What’s in your goodie bag?! [video]

Don’t you just love it when a surgeon and his staff go the extra mile for their patients? Look for a surgeon where each surgery patient goes home with a “Goodie Bag,” A goodie bag contains everything a recovering patient needs to get through the first few weeks after their procedure.   1. The pills The […]

Angelina Jolie and Bell’s Palsy…and maybe Botox! [video]

Bell’s Palsy is a condition that results in a sudden onset of paralysis/droop to one side of the face and affects 40,000 Americans every year. It’s believed to be caused by the same herpes virus that causes a cold sore. It’s also considered idiopathic – which is just a fancy term for we’re not totally […]

5 reasons to consider rolling a joint after surgery!

Crazy, I know. But regardless of your personal bent on the topic, marijuana use for medicinal purposes is now legal in 29 states plus the District of Columbia! That’s a lot of places where patients can legally be prescribed, and then purchase medical marijuana for an assortment of ailments, including recovery after surgery. Before dismissing […]

Postop Breast Surgery Do’s and Don’ts [video]

Looking to increase your chances of a complication free postop breast augmentation recovery? Then follow these simple recommendations.   Don’t submerge in water While every surgeon is different (and you should check with your surgeon before believing everything you read on the internet!), submerging your fresh breast aug incisions in water is not a good […]

Full vs Mini tummy tuck, necklift and facelift

The following distinctions between full vs mini for any procedure does not necessarily apply to all doctors. Doctors, like any apprenticeship training model, do what their teachers taught them. And if their teachers distinguished between a full vs mini ‘whatever,’ it doesn’t mean all doctors will make the same distinctions. But hearing from one doctor […]

How to sit after a BBL [video]

To ensure the best results after surgery, your doctor will make certain recommendations. Even though they may seem silly, the recommendations are based on past experiences – good and bad. A Brazilian Butt Lift or BBL is no different. This procedure, wherein your doctor takes fat via liposuction from your abdomen, flanks and back, and […]

Happy office, happy patients! [video]

After ten years of practice, four here in San Francisco, I realize patients aren’t only drawn to the doctor. They’re also drawn to the office staff. In particular, a happy office staff. And a happy office staff can create happy patients. Happy patients are looking for a happy office One could argue the importance or […]

The Worst NY Times Op-ed Ever Written

I recently read this NY Times opinion piece and was left feeling, how did this make the cut?! Aside from not being clear about the point of the article, the conclusions are bizarre. I think I can sum up the article’s point in this one sentence: Paul Ryan (the speaker of the House of Representatives) […]

Do’s and Don’ts before surgery

Surgery, whether it’s cosmetic or not, can be a big deal. You may be out of commission for a few days afterwards so it’s important to prepare before surgery. Here’s a list of suggestions to better ensure a successful, stress free recovery.   Top Do’s and Don’ts before Surgery Due to pain or social downtime, […]

Can CoolSculpting reduce breast size?

CoolSculpting is the non-surgical treatment to reduce stubborn pockets of fat. But can it reduce breast size? Lots of our viewers on Snapchat are asking. It all depends on whose breasts you’re talking about and what their issues are. So let’s get into the details.   Techniques to reduce breast size First and foremost, CoolSculpting […]

Take your pain medication after surgery…but only as needed!

Of course you need pain medication after your surgery. No one is suggesting you won’t be in pain, but doctors are more nervous than ever about over prescribing pain medication. But even in the best of circumstances, pain meds can cause problems.   Take your pain medication PRN Narcotics and other opioids that help with […]

BuildMyBod Founder Speaking at THE Aesthetic Show 2017

Dr. Jonathan Kaplan, founder/CEO of BuildMyBod Health and Pacific Heights Plastic Surgery will be speaking twice this weekend at THE Aesthetic Show in Las Vegas.   Two Practice Management Presentations at THE Aesthetic Show On Friday, he’ll give a 20-minute presentation on “How Snapchat transformed my practice in unexpected ways.” This topic will be helpful […]