Preventing Post Op Complications

Post op complications are a risk everyone must consider when planning surgery. While there is no surefire way to prevent 100% of post op complications, there are ways to reduce your risk of some of these issues. What are some post op complications I should be aware of? Fever Fever is a vague […]
Postop Recovery Tips

No matter what procedure you’re having, you’ll need to prepare for some physical (and possibly emotional) limitations after surgery. Set yourself up for success with a few insider tips, as recommended by former surgical patients. A few things I wish I knew before surgery Post-op constipation is real. The combination of narcotic […]
The pandemic is over… time to move on

I’ve had enough. I’m over it. We did what we could. Never before has a pandemic pathogen met its match so quickly. In America, the first shelter in place was in San Francisco on March 16th, 2020 and the first vaccination shot occurred on December 14th, 2020. Within the same year, actually within 9 months. […]
Bae Break with Greg: Arm Lipo vs Arm Lift [video]

Greg: Hey, this is Greg from Big Bay Mornings on 99.7 NOW, and I’m here with board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Bae. It’s great to see you again, Dr. Bae. Dr. Bae: Great to see you, Greg. LSU vs Texas Greg: Hey, you know, this has nothing to do with what we’re going […]
Why I canceled my trip to Hawaii [video]

Greg: Hey, this is Greg here from Big Bay Mornings on 99.7 NOW, and I’m here with board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Bae. Well, wow, Dr. Bae, you’re looking more handsome than ever. Dr. Bae: Thanks so much, Greg. Good to see you. Greg: Did I embarrass you? I hope not. Dr. Bae: […]
Bae Break with Greg: What is breakthrough COVID? [video]

Greg: Hey, this is Greg here with Big Bay Mornings on 99.7 Now. And of course I am here with a board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Bae. How you doing Dr. Bae? Dr. Bae: I’m great, Greg. Good to see you. Greg: It is good to see you too, especially now. I mean, […]
Bae Break with Greg: Vaccine mandate for patients

Greg: Hey, this is Greg here from Big Bae mornings and 99.7 Now. And I’m back with board certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Bae. How you been, Dr. Bae? Dr. Bae: I’m good ,Greg. I’m thankfully healthy. No signs of COVID, doing well. New vaccine mandate Greg: That is good. Well, that leads me […]
The 5 decisions of breast augmentation

Greg: Hey, this is Greg here from 99 7, now, of course, in Big Bay Mornings. And I’m here with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Bae. Man, those titles make us sound very accomplished, Dr. Bae. Dr. Bae: I’m very official. I don’t just play a doctor on the radio. Greg: No, leave that […]
Which type of tummy tuck is right for you?

Greg: Hey, this is Greg here from 99.7 NOW in Big Bae mornings with my friend, Dr. Bae, board certified plastic surgeon. Let me say. Dr. Bae: That’s right. That was a lot of tests, oral and written tests, and a lot of exams in school to become board certified, so thanks for not […]
What kind of breast lift do you need?

Greg: Hey, this is Greg here from Big Bay Mornings on 99.7 NOW. And of course, if you’re on this website, you know that guy. It’s Dr. Bae, board certified plastic surgeon. Hey there. Dr. Bae: Hey Greg. Thanks for joining me. Greg: Absolutely. It’s always great to be here, especially, from […]
All about Botox, Xeomin, Dysport and Jeuveau

Greg: Hey, this is Greg from Big Bay Mornings on 99.7 now. And I am here again with board certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Bae. Hello, Dr. Bae. Dr. Bae: Hey, Greg. Greg: I was thinking about you the other day. I was driving through your neighborhood. I was like, “Where is he? Maybe […]
Beware of Medical Tourism [video]

Greg: Hey, this is Greg from Big Bay Mornings on 99.7 NOW. And I’m back here with board certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Bae. Hey, Dr. Bae. Dr. Bae: Hey, Greg. Greg: What’s going on? Dr. Bae: Things are good. We are seeing patients regularly, busy. Everybody’s like kind of getting their COVID […]