Dr. Kaplan aka Dr. Bae on social media (@realdrbae)

Dr. Kaplan aka Dr. Bae on social media (@realdrbae). The Real Dr. Bae moniker started in August/September of 2016. Snapchat was taking off. Dr. Miami (Michael Salzhauer) started the craze that brought social media into the operating room. It was decried as inappropriate by aging doctors stomping their canes. What they didn’t realize was the […]
How fast to follow up with a lead – the paradigm is shifting (and that’s good!)

When it comes to following up with leads, it seems like you can’t follow up with a lead fast enough! Every article providing advice recommends a quicker response time. But that paradigm is changing. How fast to follow up with a lead This article states that responding to a lead 5 minutes after receiving […]
Two Myths about Botox and Xeomin

With every new patient I see, whether they’ve had Botox or Xeomin elsewhere or they’re “virgins,” they always reference the same myths about Botox. It’s not their fault. When patients read the same bad info online or hear the same bad info from their friends, it’s not surprising they start to believe it. Myths […]
9 weird things plastic surgeons do – by a plastic surgeon!

After several years in the profession, I’m amazed at how plastic surgeons do some funny, even weird things. Not hating on anyone because maybe I’m guilty of a few. These are some general examples that refer to cosmetic plastic surgeons in particular. Not calling anyone out…but you know who you are! 9 weird things […]
The cosmetic patient vs the insurance patient
The distinctions between a cosmetic patient and an insurance patient may seem obvious. Yes, the cosmetic patient is receiving non-medically necessary services so they pay for everything out of pocket. Yes, the insurance patient is receiving medically necessary care and insurance will cover it – maybe. Aside from patients that are paying out of pocket due […]
Guys know what guys want
It’s a battle of the sexes! Many female plastic surgeons wisely market themselves as being able to relate better to female patients. This is cleverer than other marketing strategies. For example, saying you’re board certified doesn’t adequately distinguish a plastic surgeon since most are also board certified. But when a woman promotes herself as […]
Let’s talk about anatomy [video]
Doctors-in-training spend the first 6 months of medical school learning about anatomy. Dissecting this tissue from that tissue on people that were generous enough to donate their bodies to science. However, doctors must recognize that our patients did not attend medical school. So there’s a knowledge gap. And to bridge that gap, we must ensure […]
The customer is not always right. An example of confirmation bias.
I had an interesting experience recently from two Yelp reviewers. One person gave me a one-star review because she got a bruise after Botox/Xeomin injection to reduce wrinkles in the forehead. Another left a one-star review because she was unhappy with her breast lift to correct very saggy (ptotic) breasts after massive weight loss. Obviously […]
What makes before and after photos bogus?!
With the advent of Instagram and the widespread sharing of before and after photos by doctors to an ever-increasing audience, the consumer needs to be wary. All is not what it seems. Sharing before and after photos isn’t new. For years doctors have shared their photo gallery on their own website. But that’s not the […]
To shave or not to shave…before surgery?!
While common sense would suggest shaving before surgery would get rid of bacteria, it might make it worse. Consider these scenarios. For an operation on the face or neck, do you shave your beard? An operation on the lower abdomen, do you shave the pubic hair? This is an ongoing debate in operating rooms across […]
Bees and my surgery origin story [video]
Do you remember that scene from Tommy Boy (hyperlink to YouTube video clip) where Chris Farley and David Spade’s character are driving drunk after it appears that Tommy Boy has lost the family brake pad business to the bank?! Even if you haven’t, picture two dumba$$es, depressed and dejected by their recent failure, driving drunk […]
What the Health: My two cents
Become a vegan! That’s the message of the recent documentary from Netflix, What the Health. This is a purposely incendiary documentary in the same vain as Super Size Me, the documentary claiming – wait for it – that McDonald’s food is bad for you! In other words, this documentary tells us some things we already […]