Bae Break: What is a Brazilian Butt Lift [video]

Greg: Hey, it’s Greg from 997, now on Big Bay Mornings, and I am here with board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Bae. What’s going on, Dr. Bae? Dr. Bae: Things are good, things are good. Baby’s sleeping well, and we’ve got a lot of surgery scheduled for all of our patients, and everybody loves […]
Botched, smotched with Greg and Dr. Bae [video]

Greg: Hey, this is Greg from Big Bay Mornings on 99.7 NOW, and I’m back with my buddy, Dr. Bae, board certified plastic surgeon. What’s going on, Dr. Bae? Dr. Bae: All is well. Thanks for having me, Greg. Botched Greg: My camera’s sliding over here. I’ve got to be careful. I’m banging […]
How to fix undereye bags with Greg and Dr. Bae [video]

Greg: Hey, this is Greg from Big Bay Mornings back with board certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Bae. What’s up Dr. Bae? Dr Bae: I’m great, Greg. How you doing? Greg: I am amazing. Dr Bae: Well, you’re looking a little bit like, I wasn’t sure if I was with the Terminator or […]
Is Dr. Kaplan (Dr. Bae) getting enough sleep? [video]

Greg Sherrell: Hey, this is Greg from Big Bay Mornings on 99.7 NOW. And I am here with my pal, Dr. Bae, board certified plastic surgeon. Dr. Jonathan Kaplan: That’s right. Greg Sherrell: What’s going on Dr. Bae? Dr. Jonathan Kaplan: Things are good. The baby is seven weeks old now. […]
Bae Break: What’s a Mommy Makeover and does your mommy need one?! [video]

Greg: Hey, this is Greg from Big Bay Mornings on 99.7 NOW, and I’m here with our resident certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Bae. Hey, Dr. Bae. Dr. Bae: Hey, Greg. Greg: You look like you just got out of surgery. What you been doing today? Dr. Bae: I just dressed up […]
Why a chatbot is my newest employee of the month!

Chatbots are a type of chatbox but a chatbox isn’t necessarily a chatbot! A chatbox is that familiar box, typically in the lower right-hand corner of a businesses’ website that enables the consumer to interact with the company via a text interface, either during or after hours. These chatboxes can be “staffed” by real agents, enabling you to […]
Welcome to the future of price transparency! BuildMyBod 2.0

Introducing BuildMyBod 2.0. The revolutionary way to check pricing from healthcare providers near you. Price transparency in healthcare used to be the stuff of dreams. But thanks to changing policy and political winds, the day of true price transparency has arrived! Price Transparency and BuildMyBod 2.0: Hospitals Traditionally, healthcare was the only area of […]
Dr. Kaplan joining NewBeauty on Instagram Live!
We’re very excited to announce that Dr. Jonathan Kaplan, board certified plastic surgeon and founder/CEO of BuildMyBod Health will be NewBeauty Magazine’s guest on Instagram Live! So tune in Tuesday, November 10th at 9am PST. If you’re reading this after November 10th, click here for the recording. Dr. Kaplan on Instagram Live with New […]
The Safe BBL

Deaths during a Brazilian Butt Lift or BBL have made the news over the last several years. These are avoidable tragedies. The cause of death after a BBL is due to fat embolism. After harvesting fat from the abdomen, flanks and back via liposuction, the fat is injected into the buttocks. If injecting too […]
Is dimpleplasty right for me? [video]

This patient was unhappy with his lack of dimples so we created some for him! To understand how a dimpleplasty creates a dimple, it’s important to understand the underlying anatomy that creates dimples in the first place. Once you understand that, you can determine if “dimpleplasty is right for me?” What are dimples? The […]
Will a $300 per day penalty bring hospitals in line? [video]

The Trump Administration’s price transparency rules are still set to go into effect in January of 2021. While hospitals may be hoping this will be delayed due to COVID, and that may still happen, there’s no guarantee. The rules dictate that hospitals will have to display the cash and negotiated rates for 300 “shoppable” services, […]
Discounts and specials? Sure. Bargaining? Absolutely not.

One of the reasons I’ve built a worldview that includes price transparency is because I recognized early on that everyone wants to know cost ahead of time. So why make it difficult for them. No one likes sticker shock. But there’s another benefit of price transparency. By knowing the cost ahead of time, the […]