Makin’ it rain with Dr. Miami! [video]

In a recent webinar for BuildMyBod Health, Dr. Miami offered his testimonial on why lead generation is so critical. Specifically, why lead generation using the BuildMyBod Health price transparency platform is so critical. Makin’ it rain! As you’ll see in the video below, Dr. Miami relies heavily on social media to generate a buzz […]
5 tips to boost Google results, 1 solution

I recently read a blog post on the Page1Solutions website regarding 5 tips to boost Google results. If you’re looking for good website SEO recommendations, Page1Solutions is really excellent. But in full disclosure, I think their page is full of great information mostly because they’re espousing viewpoints I agree with wholeheartedly! In fact, every recommendation […]
Using price transparency in bariatric surgery – Dr. Christopher Ibikunle [video]

While plastic surgeons may have made price transparency sexy, non-cosmetic doctors that have insurance-based practices can also utilize this concept. Price transparency can engage the consumer, generate leads and reduce sticker shock. In the process, price transparency can help separate a practice from the competition as Dr. Ibikunle describes in the video below. But […]
Price transparency can be sexy!

The healthcare industry typically views price transparency with disdain and suspicion. But price transparency can be sexy! Price transparency is a bold, seminal way to approach customer service and lead generation. Why fear price transparency? Healthcare providers worry about the advent of price transparency for many reasons. It could be the concern that patients […]
Oh the places you will go with your own email marketing database!

Why do we advertise with Facebook and Google AdWords? Because we want to be exposed to a large, but specific, demographic that has interest in the services we provide. The only problem is that using these services isn’t free and it certainly isn’t cheap. Wouldn’t it be nice to continue to promote our services to […]
Dr. Kaplan speaking at 26th Annual FFAS Conference

Dr. Jonathan Kaplan, founder/CEO of BuildMyBod Health will be speaking this Friday at the Foundation for Facial Aesthetic Surgery – FFAS Conference this weekend. According to the FFAS website, “The mission of the Foundation of Facial Aesthetic Surgery (a Non-Profit, Multi-Specialty Foundation) is to foster a sense of cooperation and knowledge exchange between the medical […]
In with the high and out with the low (quality leads)!

Leads are the lifeblood of any business and healthcare, it’s a business folks, is no different. In the old days, when competition wasn’t as fierce, practices and healthcare facilities could passively rely on referrals from other doctors to build their business. Now practices must cut through the competitive noise and proactively generate leads from multiple […]
Doctors: Don’t like price shoppers?

One of the more frustrating aspects of running a medical practice is the constant calls and emails asking about the cost of procedures. This annoys doctors because it makes them feel that their training and expertise accounts for nothing. As though, all that really matters is “how much is this gonna cost me?!” But doctors […]
Dr. Kaplan speaking at PPMD in Tampa this weekend

Practice Profitability MD (PPMD) is having a live event this weekend in Tampa. PPMD was founded by Dr. Rich Castellano, a facial plastic surgeon in the Tampa Bay area. Dr. Castellano helps cosmetic practitioners make their staff more productive, grow their businesses and avoid burnout so they can have more fun at work, enjoy more free […]
Dr. Kaplan at AAFPRS

BuildMyBod founder, Dr. Jonathan Kaplan, continues his US speaking tour in Dallas this Wednesday at the 12th International Symposium of Facial Plastic Surgery. This meeting is put on by the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery – the AAFPRS. He’ll be giving three talks, one as a plastic surgeon and two as founder/CEO […]
Call to action: ebooks and newsletters are so 1980’s

If you’re not familiar with Modern Aesthetics magazine, it’s an online and print magazine that provides a great source of marketing ideas for aesthetic practices. A recent article discussed ways to improve your inbound marketing. Basically, how to generate leads from visitors to your website. To be clear, we’re not talking about how to generate more […]
Taking over an existing plastic surgery practice

Tomorrow, I’ll be part of the Late Career Boot Camp at the American Society of Plastic Surgery Annual Meeting, discussing my experience taking over an existing plastic surgery practice in 2013. In preparation, I gathered some great data points and observations for my presentation. I’ll share a few of these observations below. Valuation of an […]